PTO Committee Descriptions 

If you are interested in serving on a committee or helping out when your schedule permits, please e-mail We look forward to hearing from our Comet parents, caregivers, and friends! 

GRANT WRITING / CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP: The Grant Writing committee will seek out any possible grants that would be a good fit for Kingsley. They will facilitate the writing process, approvals and submissions of the grant.

WALKING WEDNESDAY:  This committee works with Safe Routes to School to coordinate Walk to School Days throughout the year, including Dunwoody Walk to School Day, State Walk to School Day and National Walk to School Day.

5th GRADE PARENT GROUP:  The 5th Grade Parent Group will organize several fundraising events throughout the school year for the end of the year 5th grade field trip. (Election Day Bake Sales, Holiday Grams, Pickle and Popcorn Fridays, etc...) This parent group will also help facilitate any class parties such as the holiday and end of the year parties.

ROOM PARENT COORDINATOR: The Room Parent Coordinator works with the room parents to disperse consistent information to each parent throughout the school via email communication. 

SCHOOL TOURS:  This committee provides a warm, friendly welcome and accurate, comprehensive information to families who are new to Kingsley. Activities include conducting tours of the school and answering questions regarding the school.

YEARBOOK: The Yearbook committee produces, publishes and distributes the Kingsley yearbook. Committee members attend or appoint representatives to attend school events, including socials, field trips, and classroom events.

SCHOOL STORE: The School Store committee will organize and operate the school store that is open five days a week – from 7:00 to 7:35am. The responsibilities include managing a budget to purchase items for the store, staffing the store, and handling cash collections.

SPIRIT WEAR: The Spirit Wear committee designs, selects and sells school spirit items such as t-shirts, shorts, hats, sweatshirts, etc., for the school. During the summer, designs are selected and spirit wear is ordered and available to sell on Registration day and throughout the school year and at the school store

MERCHANT PARTNERS: The Merchant Partners committee works to collect Box Tops, with twice a year school wide drives.  The committee also promotes passive income by marketing i9 Sports, Publix, Kroger and Office Depot 5% Back to Schools Program, Amazon Smile, and more.

SPRING FESTIVAL: This Spring Festival committee  plans and implements a school-wide, family-centered event that promotes school spirit and community involvement. Activities include developing and managing a budget, creating an engaging theme, developing a plan to support the theme, contracting with outside vendors, promoting the event, and securing and organizing large numbers of volunteers to man the event.

JUMP ROPE FOR HEART: This committee will work with the PE teacher to coordinated donations for the event and school-wide communication. They will also manage and facilitate the activities on the day of the event.

KINGSLEY DERBY (Fun Run): The Fun Run committee plans the run, which is Kingsley's family event to promote fitness and fun. The committee is responsible for event sponsorship's, logistics, and marketing.

BOOK FAIRS: Helps organize and run the Fall Scholastic Book Fair and the Winter Used Book Fair.

VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION:  Our Kingsley Staff loves our school volunteers and organizes a spring celebration to let our many volunteers know how special they are!
Co-chairs:  Kingsley Staff

TEACHER & STAFF APPRECIATION: This committee coordinate's activities for Appreciation Week and plans monthly "tokens of appreciation" for Kingsley Staff.

HOSPITALITY: This committee is tasked with helping integrate and build connections with new and existing Kingsley families. Events hosted by the hospitality committee are: August New Parent Breakfast, Thanksgiving Luncheon, and February VIP Breakfast.   
FIELD DAY: This committee assist the PE department with the planning of activities for the Annual Field Day. The committee coordinates additional resources as needed from the music department, art department, media center, and/or individual classrooms. Members of the committee manage a budget, donations, and coordinate logistics of the event with school administration.

SCHOOL REGISTRATION AND OPEN HOUSE: This committee will  organize, staff and oversee the flow of the days of Fast Pass registration as well as Open House.  Volunteers at school registration/open house will assist with the purchasing of spirit wear, sign-ups and the check-out process.

SPIRIT NIGHTS: This committee will plan, organize and communicate local spirit nights with community businesses.
GROUNDS & BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE: This committee is in charge of organizing a twice yearly school wide clean up & beautification day (late summer and early spring) as well as on going front of school beautification and exterior grounds capital improvement projects.  
BINGO NIGHTS: This committee organizes an exciting BINGO night in February.  Families come play BINGO and can purchase dinner and treats to eat!  
"DRIVE-IN" MOVIE NIGHTS: Come park your chair on the Kingsley Field for a movie night with other Kingsley families!  This committee helps organize two movie nights a year (October with Trunk Or Treat).  Along with planning the movie, they host a concession stand for families to purchase and enjoy movie night treats.