Get Involved - Volunteer!
Let's support KES this year! There is a committee to fit the needs and talents -- and time! -- of anyone who would like to be involved.
Questions? Email to learn more.
Yearbook (Year-round)
Manage yearbook sales, advertising, distribution, and creation (photographing, formatting, and cover creation protocols). Coordinate with yearbook vendor.
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and offsite.
School Beautification (Fall and Spring)
Organizes the volunteers for 3-4 beautification days to ensure Kingsley stays maintained. Coordinates with garden club on what is needed. Facilitates purchasing any mulch, garden supplies etc. that are needed for the events.
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and onsite.
Spirit Nights (Year-round)
Coordinates with local eateries to schedule Spirit Nights where Kingsley PTO receives back a portion of sales for the night; all work can be done off-site outside of school hours.
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and offsite.
Sponsorships and Grants (Year-round)
Applies for corporate grants to benefit Kingsley (Costco, Target, Walmart, etc.); creates corporate sponsor program and promotes to area businesses (including sponsor benefits, etc.) This may also include Merchant Partners (Kroger, Publix, etc.). Acts as point of contact for sponsors throughout the year.
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and offsite.
Walking Wednesday (Year-round)
Works with school counselor to schedule and promote Walking Wednesday every month (except winter)
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and offsite.
Spirit Wear (Year-round)
Works with vendors to create spirit wear items (shirts, stickers, magnets, etc) to make available to Kingsley families. Work can be done on and off-site.
- Support occurs mostly outside of school hours and offsite
Fall Book Fair (October-November)
Works with vendor (Literati) to schedule book fair, select book categories, and obtain marketing materials; schedules volunteers; handles ordering media center materials with proceeds
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Spring Used Book Fair (January-March)
Handles advertising, book collection, volunteer scheduling, and used book sales for annual Spring used book sale to coincide with Read Across America Week. Advance work can be done off-site outside of school hours, event work is on-site during school hours.
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Movie Nights (Fall and Spring)
Coordinates 2 Movie Nights a year. including movie selection using the Swank media license, and organizes any concession sales. Helps with set up and break down of the audio and visual technology.
- Support occurs outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
STEAM Night (January-March)
Coordinates with the school to provide support for STEAM Night, coordinates concessions and silent auction/raffle
- Support occurs outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
School Store (Year-round)
Coordinates Friday weekly school store, maintains stocks and sets prices, coordinates volunteer parents to staff store before school weekly.
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Field Day (January-May)
Works with PE Coach to schedule Field Day activities and works with PTO to order field day shirts, coordinates volunteers for Field Day which is in May.
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Thanksgiving Food Drive (October-November)
Handles advertising for food drive, coordinates with local organizations (Dunwoody Rotary, Kingswood Methodist Church, and food vendors) to obtain food items; works with art teacher to decorate food boxes; works with administration to determine families in need of food assistance; distributes food boxes week before Thanksgiving break.
- Support occurs outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
School Tours (Mostly in spring, but as needed)
Works with administration to schedule signups for tours, conducts tours during the school day; as needed support when families contact school for tours.
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Teacher Appreciation (Year-round)
Coordinates monthly teacher appreciation events along with staff appreciation week in May annually; including working with grade levels to obtain food donations, scheduling volunteers if needed, etc.
- Support occurs both during and outside of school hours, both onsite and offsite.
Upcoming Events
- Wednesday, February 26
- Monday, March 3
- Tuesday, March 4
- Wednesday, March 5
- Thursday, March 6
- Friday, March 7
- Wednesday, March 12
- Friday, March 14